
由MBA Skool Te伟德亚洲手机投注网am出版 , 2011年12月2日出版



仓库在库存管理中起着非常重要的作用。它帮助组织专注于其核心活动。仓库有三种类型,即私人、公共或合同储存设施,这完全取决于公司的要求。构建一个合适的物流网络并不容易,因为有许多因素需要考虑。人们可以选择集中的仓库或分散的仓库。前者作为一个母仓库,有助于实现规模经济和低运营成本,而后者实际上是一组位于不同地点的多个配送中心,为客户提供更好的服务。确定仓库的位置可能是下一步要做的事情。投资建立仓库系统是至关重要的。大多数仓库使用最新的信息技术工具和先进的通信技术,通过快速的信息传输,使整个过程更加清晰可见。内外互联互通要进一步加强。 Investing in the warehousing activity is encouraged but there should be some gains justifying the investment made. Warehousing is indeed an important service function within the supply chain network and starts with its basic function of material storing. Manufacturing companies often face disruptions in their production process as the customer’s demand never remains static. There is always a mismatch between the consumption cycle and the manufacturing. This is where warehouse comes in to the picture helping the organization in maintaining the inventory until the demand for it rises again. Holding of materials is another important function of the warehouse, where a proper record has to be maintained of the goods which are coming in and going out. The marketing guy studies the current demand of the customer and promises him/her to deliver the goods in time by forming delivery schedule. This makes the goods move out of the warehouse and reach its end customers in a process called dispatching. The holding cost is also a vital component in the warehouse function. The goods coming from various sources are been sent to a single point, where these are collected and consolidated in bigger quantity. These consolidated items are been sent in the form of large shipments to the client which helps in decreasing freight costs and improving economies of scale. Break bulk is a process just the opposite of consolidation. Here, the goods or materials comes in a bulkier quantity and gets segregated into smaller shipments and then sent to the customers. These items will go into several distribution centers located in different regions. Cross docking is another concept in the warehousing activity which is said to be quite similar to that of the break bulk process. Cross docking process in its simplest form is an inbound vehicle which is basically a semi-trailer truck or rail road car, loading the consignment in to the outbound trucks. The concept of cross docking is built for goods which are fast moving and gets perished quickly (FMCG). It takes away the need for a warehouse. There are warehouses which are used as product mixing points where different components from different manufacturing plants get converted into finished products. The product coming into the warehouse has to get packed first and then it gets labeled in accordance with the demand of the customers. Material handling is another function which is carried out within the warehouse. The inbound vehicle carrying the raw materials reaches the warehouse and then it gets unloaded. On the other hand, out bound truck would be waiting for the finished goods inventory to get loaded. The loading and unloading activity has to be done very carefully depending on the nature of goods. Cycle time is also a very crucial element in the warehousing activity. The order cycle time is very much proportional to the efficiency of the material picker inside the inventory warehouse. Real time information is needed in each warehousing activity and it also applies to other department of the supply chain process.

管理库存对仓库经理来说是一个巨大的挑战,因为他必须考虑许多因素。在库存管理中最难回答的问题之一是,一个人应该持有多少库存?首先要做的是确定持有库存的成本。这些成本很少包括采购成本、管理成本、财务成本、人力资本和设施成本。有一种叫做库存准确度的东西应该保持。一个体面的库存准确性水平应该至少是98%或更好。存货的性质也必须考虑到,因为可以有关键货物和非关键货物。有供应商管理库存和延迟物流等策略可以更好地管理库存。在供应商管理库存中,商品的生产者希望他们的供应商管理库存。这有助于他们节省更多的时间和金钱。 Sometimes, the customer wants the product to be modified at a later stage. This is when postponement of logistics comes in to the picture by postponing the final assembly of goods to the place where it is sold. The warehouse sometimes faces situation when the inventory which it holds is not getting sold. At that time, one can switch over to JIT which is nothing but just in time production strategy. JIT helps in cutting down the carrying costs and the in- process inventory. Turnaround time of the vehicles also has to be considered. It helps in assessing the efficiency of the truck drivers and the vehicles which could help the upper management to take further decision. Even there are scrap warehouses which takes care of waste. It is part of the replenishment process. In india, majority of the people are unorganized players which include mainly the Kabadi walas. These kaabadi wala collect waste from the nearby localities and supply 75-80% of the waste to the companies, where it again gets converted into useful products. The rest 25% of the waste is used by the kabadi wala themselves. These people are very important and are the key drivers of economy. So, scrap warehouse is a part of this process contributing to the green supply chain.

仓库也保持一个安全库存,额外的百分比的需求量储存。这些安全储备是在紧急需要时使用的。安全库存甚至可以与缓冲库存相关联。在印度,仓库不太受鼓励,这里的大多数人只局限于仓库。在使用复杂材料和升级仓库内使用的材料方面,印度远远落后于西方国家。我认为主要的问题在于管理仓库的人的心态。在印度,人们把仓库看作是一个仓库,直到客户端的需求产生,而在其他国家,他们把仓库看作是一个可以为产品产生成本优势的部门。甚至还有专门的仓库,通常被称为冷库。这些是专门为那些本质上更容易腐烂的物品建造的。交货; vegetables. If you are looking at improving your warehouse performance then you need to improve the productivity of the materials and create more space. Meeting of throughput requirements by putting up a complete material and operational flow should be your main aim if you want to build a better warehouse. At the same time, there are terms like Ergonomics which is looking for the safety of the people working within the warehouse. Warehousing being an outsourcing activity, is still evolving and holds a promising career for young professionals.

本文由金奈商业物流学院的Sanju Mathew撰写。



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