thum up-雷鸣般的成功

由MBA Skool团队出伟德亚洲手机投注网版 ,2013年1月28日出版

要理解Thums的神秘感,需要回到70年代。直到70年代中期,可口可乐都是占主导地位的,而且出于所有实际目的,印度唯一的可乐品牌。瓶装饮料的消耗本身不是很高,市场上领先的碳酸饮料是林卡。这并不令人惊讶,因为印度是一个尼姆布·帕尼(Nimbu Pani)是许多人的清爽酷饮料的国家。

在1977年举行紧急情况并在中心发生政府变更之后,像可口可乐这样的跨国公司不得不退出印度。也有传言说,当时的印度工业部长乔治·费尔南德斯(George Fernandes)坚持认为可口可乐泄露其秘密食谱,这也构成了该品牌退出的原因之一。


对于享受他最喜欢的瓶装饮料的消费者而言,一件重要的一件重要的事情是,除了与品牌相关的图像之外,软饮料的非常真实且至关重要, so that it is available to the customers within ‘an arm’s reach of desire’, to use the phrase coined by Coca-cola itself.


然后,帕尔(Parle)与其他品牌 - 林卡(Limca)和戈德斯特(Goldspot)一起推出了他们的主要可乐品牌。然后,纯饮料推出了Campa-Cola。这两种发射都发生在1977年。虽然纯饮料创造了坎帕 - 科拉(Campa-Cola),这显然是可口可乐的替代品,包括语音相似的名称,但帕尔(Parle)提出了一个完全不同的产品和品牌。尽管这不是可以归因于后者成功的单一因素,但它提醒人们,创建替代品并不总是一个好的策略,但

Thums up had been launched with a logo showing a red thumbs up hand gesture with a slanted white typeface, and what was one of India’s first truly lifestyle oriented campaigns with the line, :Happy days are here again!”, a clear promise to consumers that the refreshing taste of cola was back in their life! The campaign celebrated the ‘Thums Up lifestyle’ with a multi-star cast of the top models of the day, exotic locations and a catchy jingle. There was also another subliminal interpretation to the punch line that can be best appreciated if one knows what it was for a young Indian, when the Emergency ended in 1977. For most, it was a sense of second independence. People say it was equivalent to the coming down of the Berlin Wall! It was the return of the civic liberties and the sense of a student revolution that had been successful.

在1977年之后的几年中,大拇指和坎帕 - 科拉(Campa-Cola)免费获得了国际品牌的任何重大竞争。但是,他们的市场仍然仅限于自己的原籍地区,也没有试图成为国家领导人。

It was during these years, that Thums Up used every possible trick a cola brand could use to market itself – sponsoring cricket matches, building associations with music, etc and did everything possible to reinforce the aspirational, young, lifestyle image and tried making cola a外出就餐的正常部分。那些时代的活动之一,使用了标语:“食物,朋友和thums”,并表现出thums在典型的印度小吃等萨摩萨和多萨斯等典型的零食中享用。

但是,与Campa-Cola相比,Thums Up享有更高的市场份额,甚至是当时的其他可乐品牌,例如Double Seven,McDowell的Thrill和Double Cola。The domination of Thums up remained untouched and unmoved till Pepsi entered the Indian market in 1989. Pepsi had entered the Indian market in a JV with government owned Punjab Agro Industrial Corporation and Voltas India Ltd and was branded as Lehar Pepsi, though the word ‘Lehar’ was highly underplayed. Pepsi was launched with a high profile campaign starring Juhi Chawla and Remo Fernandes. This was in keeping with the idea of Pepsi as the ‘new generation platform’ and association with music and entertainment icons. Its punchline captured a lot fo mind and hearts, saying “Ye hi hai right choice, Baby, Aha!” In response, Thums Up fought back on all fronts possible, advertising spends, sponsorships and even an interesting change in the bottle size! At the same price, the bottle size was increased to 250 ml and Thums Up launched a new bottle Maha Cola. This new king-size bottle helped immensely in the fight against Pepsi, it also won over the switchers in the Delhi market, who had long remained loyal to Campa-cola, a drink available only in 200 ml bottles.

但是战斗不仅是关于广告支出和瓶子尺寸。改变了事物并为Thums Up建立了长期基础的是,有勇气为该品牌提供一个清晰的草皮,而该品牌超越了更好,更迷人的生活方式广告。该平台建立在拇指的基本产品特征上,事实是,它具有更大的碳酸,并且比百事可乐更甜。以另一种方式说,这是一种更加“男子气概”的味道体验。

在一系列突破性的电视广告中,Thums Up的特色和著名的动作驱动的男人不会为了刺激的味道而定。这些行动人士将显示为品牌的忠实拥护者,他们将竭尽全力“品尝雷声”。确实是天才的中风一直是该品牌成功的基础。

1993年,可口可乐在差距16年后重新进入印度,印度的两个可乐市场成为了三个可乐市场。可口可乐犯了一个错误,假设印第安人只是在等待它回来!这是对印度市场和可乐品牌实力的完全误读。可口可乐开始印度国际成功的广告,并在印度介绍它们,但与印度观众几乎没有联系。他们未能意识到的是,广告,就像庆祝可乐瓶中独特形状的广告,或者是年轻的非洲裔美国人喜欢可乐叮当曲等的广告,这对于印度的年轻人来说是无法理解的。没有回忆可乐品牌。Worst of all, the line that Coca-cola was using – “Always Coca-cola” was particularly inappropriate for India, which was ‘never Coca-cola’ since 1977. Moreover, the prime targets of the Coke brand, the population in their sweet 16s was not even born when the brand was last available in India!

可口可乐继续尝试不同的方法,但它并没有真正设法“拥有”任何属性。它使用了许多名人-Aishwarya Rai,Hrithik Roshan和许多打孔线“ Jo Chaho Ho Jaye”和“ Life Ho to Aisi”。但是,这些实际上没有扎根。


与此同时,没有可口可乐和百事可乐拥有的名人大军,但蹦极跳!一个年轻人,是一个小组的一部分,无法在他们都在拜访的山顶上的软饮料摊位上抬起头。但是他不会为其他任何事情安定下来,所以他把自己从悬崖边缘扔了出来。他是一个蹦极的人,只是从下面的卡车上捡起瓶子就可以了!不幸的是,对于可口可乐和百事可乐来说,他们俩都不认为thums可以生存,而这两个巨人正在与印度的土壤作战。百事可乐和可乐一直伏击彼此的竞选活动并互相攻击。最终,可乐最终购买了Thums。据信,可口可乐拼命试图杀死品牌,但意识到百事可乐将从这一举动中受益于可口可乐。可口可乐官员坚信,Thums Up Brand的吸引力太大了,“品尝雷声”的强烈冲击线以及Thums Up饮酒者根本不会改变任何事情的事实。

最终,可口可乐决定使用thums攻击百事可乐的头部。这采取了托姆斯传奇的下一步形式。Thums Up使用了百事可乐在1980年代在美国市场上使用的味觉测试的逆转来挑战可乐。在那项百事可乐挑战测试中,电视广告显示,人们在公共场所随机挑选,他们在未标记的杯子中获得了可乐和百事可乐,然后显示更多的人比可口可乐更喜欢百事可乐。这是一项重大倡议,使百事可乐能够克服美国市场中可乐与自身之间的差距。

在2001年,在印度,Thums挑战了百事可乐。The beauty of the whole idea was that it didn’t just make the case that people preferred Thums Up over Pepsi, but it also tied this preference to a known characteristic of Thums Up, which was seen as fizzier and stronger in taste, Thums Up challenged the participants in the taste test to ‘Grow Up to Thums Up’ in effect repositioning Pepsi as the ‘sweet choice of kids’.

从许多方面来说,这是为该品牌制定独特拥有的草皮的第一步,成为产品类别中其他品牌试图成为青少年boppers的“人”。这种属性使Thum成为一种非常强大的心理动机,因为它是非常理想的和有理想的。这里的沟通策略建立在唯一的前提之上,并普遍认为,强烈的品尝食品(例如强茶或咖啡,辛辣食物,酒精等)被认为是长大的标志。相比之下,百事可乐的浓烈味道使百事可乐更甜。而且,由于甜蜜的东西是给孩子们的,所以如果他喜欢百事可乐,就被认为是孩子。它利用了这一事实,即青年讨厌被视为“不长大”!该品牌还使用了Salman Khan和Sushmita Sen,他们以不是甜蜜的美女而闻名。

在其中一个TVC中,一个小男孩来到Sushmita Sen,要求她的亲笔签名,他被她的保镖拦住,说他喝了百事可乐。她微笑着签名,说:“长大!”。


百事可乐试图用The Ethums Commercial的欺骗来对抗这一点。They came up with a commercial with a lady (played by Cyrus Broacha) asking her overgrown son (also played by Cyrus Broacha) to have his ‘grown-up’ tonic (in a way suggesting that Thums Up is as bad as a medicine!). She wants him to act grown-up, but he sips on Pepsi, turns into a hip youngster and drives off with a bunch of young girls, as they all shout, “Yeh dil maange more!”. In the last frame of the TVC, even Amrish Puri refuses to ‘grow up!’, wearing a T-shirt with the message, “18 till I die!” . It was meant to suggest that Thums Up is meant for oldies, while Pepsi was for youngsters of all ages.


这个品牌发展的第二阶段是以将“长大” thum扩展到更高水平的形式,这挑战了粉丝们展示他们的男子气概和男子气概,以展示您真正由您制成的东西。可以确定,无论受欢迎程度如何,thums up粉丝不仅长大了,而且不愿意安顿下来的任何替代品。Khiladi的Akshay Kumar成为了这个Iconoclastic品牌角色的完美品牌大使。曼利(Manly),健康,一个众所周知的男人有勇气在电影中做自己的特技表演,而公众实际上可以相信雷声的味道。即使在下一阶段,百事可乐继续使用板球运动员和电影明星,而Thums Up超越了竞争态度,以为自己标志着独特的空间。

在2006年,Thums Up将品牌的奉献精神提升到了另一个层次,Akshay Kumar甚至采用了自然元素来提高他的thums。自从Akshay与Thums相关联并显然代表“将为我的Thunder Theings Theings'品牌忠诚度做任何事情,已经有好几年了。

因此,Thums Up Magic具有三个方面 - 较高的碳化,品牌个性的男子气概以及thums Up Drinker的忠诚和意愿,可以竭尽全力。

Thums Up凭借其所有的成就,表明敏捷竞争者甚至可以在800磅大猩猩玩耍的环境中适应,繁荣和发展。

本文是由艾尔玛的巴维·帕特尔(Bhavi Patel)撰写的

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