
由MBA Skool团队出伟德亚洲手机投注网版 ,2014年2月22日出版




挑战道德的不同层次可以看作是个人与社会与组织的不同层次。对个人所属的宗教的看法,应该理解,我们每天的行动改变了社会,就像俗话说锡·梵文(Tin Sanskrit)所说的那样。vipra bahudha vadanti”truth is the same but looked in different ways .In most cases we face the dilemma wherein the society doesn’t confirm to the ethics. Lets draw an example from Mahabharata, When Karna’s Rath was grounded and Arjun with his arrow pointing towards Karna was waiting for Karna to get ready, Krishna the Incarnation of Vishnu (Management GOD), asked Arjun to shoot the arrow. Shooting an arrow on an unarmed warrior is unethical but at the end Arjun pulled the string, releasing the arrow to kill the Great Karna was considered ethical, since he was on the side of adharma (Duryodhan). More the true nature of an individual surface to stay attached to ethics in an organization more the better, since this will pave the way for spiritually oriented organizations in the long run and thus bring in an inclusive growth of the human being in the true sense. Ekla chalo re –as Rabindranath Tagore sung fits apt to this spiritual dilemma.

根据斯里·奥罗宾多(Sri Aurobindo)的说法,全身人士的真实性和唤醒生活中这些基本要素的现实将有助于我们从内部变得纯洁,我们的行为将摆脱下划线的恶意。社会,贪婪,竞争列举了几个。无限,永恒,例如永恒的湿婆是无穷大的基础。他代表了婆罗门和毗湿奴的无限和创造者。(第三只眼睛 - 像人类有限的视野一样,没有其他和其他两只眼睛的目光)

除本体外,还存在精神推理和使用至关重要的本能的能力,但这些能力不足以理解整个事物或“无限”。除非您有内在的意志或“击打 - 意志之火”狩猎和理解它,否则内在必不可少的自我很难阅读。


真诚 +沉默 +无偏爱=神的声音

我想用一些关于灵性及其对领导者的影响的话说的斯里·奥罗宾多(Sri Aurobindo)的话,他们正在通过体验式学习进行转变。





We can draw multiple lessons from Mahabharat, which explains not to do ‘NishkamKarma ‘or attached deeds, which are the root cause of a person turning egoist in the long run and ultimately result in downward progress of a person when the other direction is the most aspired one. If the person or organization stays too attached to a bleeding project, which is in research stage or is not able to find its way ahead with a huge sunk cost on its head. Decision-making leaders of the organization find it difficult to let go off those projects since they has already invested ample amount of timework force, brain capital, loans. Some times pet projects become so important that we fail to look at the clear picture


设计团队曾经完成设计和第一个原型,即使实际上正在推动项目交付的最后期限,也要改善该项目的进步 - 另一方面,这是一个明确的参与者,这是生产团队有生产产品的工作,即创建参考产品的复制品将始终与该产品的独立参与,因为其部门的文化是在不同的设计中希望将其物品投入生产的地方。



与相信萨古纳(Saguna)或可衡量的反态哲学相比,我们印第安人相信尼古纳(Nirguna)或无形 /不可估量的人。东方的思维方式和西方的思维方式存在明显的区别。让我们看看西方的信仰,他们相信一种宗教,一个上帝,因此强调我们另一方面对一个目标有各种各样的信仰,这会创造各种个性,因此多样性。more focused on the ‘gaze ‘rather than the ‘goal ‘thus this lead to a conflict in organizations when other companies come to INDIA or when the boss is a foreigner, they fail to understand why we behave in such different ways. This becomes a potent to a possible conflict. Alexander the great who believed in this very concept of one life one chance one GOD was in pursuit to capture the entire world for this very reason. Their culture speaks of doing everything possible in this world itself, that’s their only chance, only one opportunity. Hats why they are always focused on tasks, more than the people. Focused more on ‘What’ of the businesses what have we achieved? Whereas we focus on the ‘Why ‘of the business ‘Why do we have to do this business?’



灵性是一种像榕树一样增强您的心理潜力的方式,这是无限的象征。向外生长的潜力取决于您的内部成长方式。您对自己的了解越多,您对自己的能力,实现目标的方法以及实现生活中“ samatva”的能力的信心越多。了解他人并帮助他们成长的关键链接是通过您给他们的经验以及通过“对话”从他们那里获得的经验。灵性不是在于敬拜上帝,而是要从你内心带来一切积极性,然后,如果我们每个人都会意识到这一价值的真正力量,那么世界将永远不会像以前一样。

该文章由IIM Ranchi的Nirbhay Bhandari撰写



Jaya by Devdutt Patnaik

印度圣书Bhagavat Gita

文章中表达的观点是个人的。这些文章仅用于教育和学术目的,并由MBA Skool团队上传。伟德亚洲手机投注网


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