
由MBA Skool Te伟德亚洲手机投注网am出版 , 2010年10月10日出版


影片一开始就震撼了观众。没有讨论,11名成员投票认为被告有罪,并试图离开房间。实际上,没有人会费心去想他们的决定对个人意味着什么。一个人太死板,不愿改变;另一个人只想去看棒球比赛,对被告的情况毫不关心。当一个团队变得过于自信,不能现实地考虑自己的任务时,就会出现群体思维。由于在群体中沟通和达成共识需要更长的时间,所以群体中的决策是耗时的。但陪审员没有。8不会成为群体思维错误的牺牲品,而是站在群体的对立面。在这之后,电影非常紧张。陪审员不。 8 agrees that he is unsure whether the accused is guilty or not but he wants some discussion on the case. From here on the movie not only presents the discussion but also reveals the type of each individual in detail.


陪审员不。他试图以领导(或工头)的身份执行命令。他扮演的是一个“领导者”的角色,一个单纯的人,显然不明白摆在他面前的任务的复杂性,但却试图尽一切努力不让别人发现这一点。在影片中,他只有一次显得轻松自在——那是在他谈论足球的时候。他不幸被选为陪审团陪审长——这显然是他不喜欢的工作。陪审员不。他个子矮小,文静,显然不习惯发表自己的观点,更不希望自己的观点有什么重要意义。在他温顺的“观察者”和温顺的“信息提供者”角色中,二号人物显然在他的工作中找到了安慰——他是一名会计。陪审员不。3可能是影片中最复杂的性格。 He starts off like a pleasant self-made successful businessman, analyzing the case impartially, explaining the arguments well and is reasonably self-assured. As time goes on he becomes more and more passionate exploding in disbelieving anger and seems somehow to be personally involved with the case. His motivation for behaving as he does is revealed when he discloses that he’s not on good terms with his own son. Illusions to his animosity toward youth were made when he says that kids today have no respect and that he has not see his son in over a decade. No.3 namely plays the “aggressive”, “dominator” and “blocker” roles. His personal baggage with his own son “blocked” or prolonged the decision-making. Yet this overbearing, angry and sadistic man finally deserved our sorrow. Juror no.4 is a self -assured, slightly arrogant stockbroker.

他显然认为自己比房间里的任何人都聪明,他以冷静无情的逻辑处理这个案子,但他没有考虑到案件中涉及到的人的情感、激情和性格。4号扮演了一个冷漠的、善于分析的“信息提供者”的角色。他列举了案件中的事实,就像从报纸上读到股票收盘价格一样。他那勤奋而永远严厉的目光使那些不同意他的人望而却步。陪审员不。5是一个承受着巨大情感压力的人。他和被指控的男孩有着相同的社会背景——他几乎是不情愿地认同这个男孩。矛盾的是,这似乎是他投票有罪的主要原因之一——他不希望同情影响他——讽刺的是,同情影响了他。反应强烈和防御性,5号代表“情绪化”。陪审员不。6 is a simple man, quite readily admitting that everyone in the room is better qualified than he is to make decisions and offer explanations. But he really wants to see justice done and it worries him that he might make a mistake. Agreeing with everyone and talking even less, No. 6’s role is the “silent” and “conformist.” Juror no.7 is the only one who really has no opinion on the case – he talks of baseball. Of the heat, of fixing the fan but the only reason he has for voting this way or that is to speed things up a bit so he might be out of the jury room as soon as possible. Not an evil man he just has no sense of morality whatsoever – he can tell right from wrong but does not seem to think its worth the bother. Failing to take the group seriously, No. 7 falls into the “playboy” and “bored one” roles. Juror no.8 is a caring man who has put more thought into the case than any of the other jurors. He tries to do his best in the face of seemingly impossible odds. Both confident and nervous, as well as being under intense and hostile scrutiny, No. 8 states that he couldn't vote in that way for one simple reason; there is reasonable doubt in his mind. No. 8 acts as “model person” and “nonconformist.” Juror no.9 is a wise old man. With his great life experience he has quite a unique way of looking at the case.

陪审员之后没有。他拒绝不经讨论就走,遭到同伴们的嘲笑,被迫改变决定,但他没有行动。他说,这些国家都将进行第二轮投票,而他不会参加。如果其他11个人都认为有罪,他也会这样认为,案件就可以结案了。但这次9号陪审员加入了他现在变成了2比10。所以现在大家必须坐下来讨论这个案子。陪审员不。10是影片中最恐怖的角色。他投了有罪的票,甚至不试图隐瞒这一事实,因为他这么做只是因为男孩的社会背景。悲剧来自于他自己的社会地位只比男孩高一点点的事实——这让他更急于强调这种差异。10号令人厌恶的、有毒的偏执让他在整部电影中扮演着“进攻者”、“揭穿者”和“阻碍者”的角色。陪审员不。11, an immigrant watchmaker, is a careful analytical man, well mannered and soft spoken. He respects the right of people to have different opinions to his – and is willing to look at both sides of the problem. He loses his temper only once – horrified by the complete indifference of Juror No. 7. His role is that of “group observer” as well as “opinion giver.”


注:如果你是一名印度MBA学生,你还可以观看《Ek ruka hua faisla》,这是根据《十二怒汉》改编的印度电影。它的特色是非常优秀的演员,如潘卡吉·卡普尔,阿努·卡普尔和其他许多人。这个故事是根据印度问题和相关性改编的。你可以看任何一部,也可以两部都看。当你看电影的时候,只要跟踪电影过程中发生的各种群体动态。
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